#45 - A Whole Lot of Star Wars Talk

Positively Nerdy show

Summary: Welcome to Positively Nerdy!  These days there is certainly no shortage of topics to discuss, speculate and analyze when it comes to Star Wars.  And in this episode, we do just that!  Along for the ride is Star Wars fan and artist Joe Hogan.  Ryan and Joe discuss a multitude of Star Wars topics including: The Clone Wars, Episode 7 and JJ Abrams, the postponement of 3-D re-releases, stand-alone feature films, Joe's motion comics and the fate of Ahsoka Tano.  These topics and more are analyzed, theorized and even argued all in the name of fun and fandom!  Enjoy the episode and drop us a line (positivelynerdy@positivelynerdy.com) to share your thoughts on all things Star Wars and especially The Clone Wars as Joe will return in just a few short weeks when Season 5 wraps up