JDB 009: Google+, SEO, and Untethered Lawyering – Interview with Jay Fleischman

JDBlogger  |  Legal Marketing  |  Blogging  |  Podcasting  | Social Media for Lawyers and Attorney Entrepreneurs - John Skiba show

Summary: In this week's podcast episode I had the opportunity to interview attorney Jay Fleischman.  I consider Jay a mentor when it comes to marketing a law practice.  I first learned of his Legal Practice Pro website back in 2009.  It was there that I was introduced to content marketing and ways that I could build my law practice without breaking the bank. We  also discuss Jay's recent experiment with Google+.  For 30 days Jay abandoned his blog and posted all of his content directly on Google+.  Jay will tell you the results of this experiment and how it can impact you law firm marketing. Finally, Jay tells you what it means to be an 'untethered' lawyer - how he practices law from his home and keeps everything in the cloud.  If you are getting ready to launch your own practice this episode of the JDBlogger Podcast is a must listen. Tools of the Trade This week's Tool of the Trade is the recently released book by Amy Jo Martin, Renegades Write the Rules: How the Digital Royalty Use Social Media to Innovate.  Amy is the CEO of Digital Royalty, a company that helps companies and celebrities with their use of social media and online branding.  This book will help alter the way you look social media and how it can help you build your law practice. You can get Amy's book by clicking here : Renegades Write the Rules: How the Digital Royalty Use Social Media to Innovate Thanks again for all of you that have gone over to iTunes and left a 5 Star Rating for the Podcast.  You can head over to iTunes and leave us some feedback by clicking below: Leave a Review of the JDBlogger Podcast by Clicking Here!