01 "Merry Stories And Funny Pictures"; "Shock-headed Peter"; "Cruel Frederick"; "Dreadful Story of Harriet and the Matches, The"; "Story of the Inky Boys, The"; "Story of the Man that went out Shooting, The"; "Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb, The"; "Story of

Librivox: Struwwelpeter (version 2) by Hoffmann, Heinrich show

Summary: 01 "Merry Stories And Funny Pictures"; "Shock-headed Peter"; "Cruel Frederick"; "Dreadful Story of Harriet and the Matches, The"; "Story of the Inky Boys, The"; "Story of the Man that went out Shooting, The"; "Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb, The"; "Story of Augustus, who would not have any Soup, The"; "Story of Fidgety Philip, The"; "Story of Johnny Head-in-Air, The"; "Story of Flying Robert, The"