No Illusions - Rick's Picks 2010 - The Best Radio You Have Never Heard Vol. 150

The Best Radio You Have Never Heard Podcast - Music For People Who Are Serious About Music show

Summary: NEW FOR JANUARY 15, 2011 For the fifth time, Rick From New York has wrangled the controls of BRYHNH to compile the best tracks from all the episodes from 2010 into the annual Rick's Picks year in review. And for the fifth year, Rick has nailed it. And this year, without drama. He gave me the good list straight off . . . :-) Here's what Rick had to say this year: OK . . . so it wasn't the worst year in the history of the world. As Dave Barry aptly points out, "There have been MUCH worse years. For example, toward the end of the Cretaceous Period, Earth was struck by an asteroid that wiped out about 75 percent of all of the species on the planet. " . . . that year was worse. But even a cursory overview of the events of 2010, however, makes for some unsettling reading. Without even touching on Politics and World Affairs, which have been "year-ended" to death (and are SUPER DEPRESSING!), let's just take Pop Culture for instance . . . Television- The Returning Champion of the Vapid Wasteland. People, there is nothing on . . . don't debate me on this, just put down the clicker and go outside or something. Books- Jonathan Franzen's "Freedom." The most beloved (see Oprah) book of the year turns out to be about...Nothing. Film- (Coen Bros., special category . . . doesn't count.) Otherwise, Oscar Buzz is furiously buzzing for Buzz Lightyear 3-3D, with the runner-up being a movie about a rich, white Royal Guy who overcomes a speech impediment (Oh, the Humanity!). Music- There is always great music being produced year after year, but what rises to the top is rarely the cream. Witness Taylor Swift and Susan Boyle. WWW- I'm sure there are marvelous things being done on the Internet, but it's hard to imagine that they are happening on Facebook or Twitter. "OMG . . .had awesome Tex-Mex, headed for the toilet now...I'm just sayin'" And what do you suppose all the massively high-tech computing resources and uber-smart people of Google have enabled us to access through their amazing search engine as the top searches of 2010? Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Chatroulette. However . . . Standing in stark contrast, BRYHNH listeners had a fabulous year, with a smokin' new website, BRYHNH Merchandise and the unflagging attention to detail provided by Mr. Bax and the boys that we have all come to expect . I'll tell you, it sure gives me something to look forward to in 2011 . . . Hell, I might even buy a T-Shirt . . . Rick From New York And without further ado. I proudly present to you: No Illusions - Rick's Pix 2010 - The Best Radio You Have Never Heard Vol. 150 1. National Ransom - Elvis Costello Buy From iTunes 2. Burn It Down - Los Lobos Buy From iTunes 3. Oil and Water - Incubus Buy From iTunes 4. First Flash Of Freedom - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Buy From iTunes 5. Route 66 - Depeche Mode Buy From iTunes 6. You Wanted A Hit - LCD Soundsystem Buy From iTunes 7. What Have I Done To Deserve This? - Pet Shop Boys w/ Dusty Springfield Buy From iTunes* 8. Sprawl II - Arcade Fire Buy From iTunes 9. Thirteen - Big Star Buy From iTunes 10. Money Shuffle (acoustic demo) - Richard Thompson Buy From iTunes* 11. Local Girls (live) - Graham Parker Buy From iTunes* 12. Seed In The Ground - Jason Spooner Buy From iTunes 13. Watching The Wheels (demo) - John Lennon Buy From iTunes 14. A Hard Days Night (take 7) - The Beatles Buy From iTunes* 15. Time Won't Let Me - The Smithereens Buy From iTunes 16. Moonlight Mile - Alvin Youngblood Hart Buy From iTunes The Best Radio You Have Never Heard. Giving new meaning to "reload . . ." Accept No Substitute.