EPISODE 142 - Mario Bava ... and more

Horroretc Podcast show

Summary: The Italian horror film festival gets a kick in the ass this week as we explore a range of Mario Bava works from the time period of 1959 - 1966, not to mention a few curveballs along the way. Bava is lauded as having a true cinematic eye and credited as a master of mood accomplished through the use of lighting, colour, music and camera movement ...turns out that praise is pretty well earned. Things kick off with Kill Baby Kill (1966) followed by Caltiki, The Immortal Monster (1959), Blood and Black Lace (1964), Torso (1973), Planet of the Vampires (1965) and Whip and the Body / What? (1963). To bring it all home we dispense some differing opinions of Wes Craven's Cursed (2005) before admitting how much fun the A-Team was. Schlock corner features a terrific trailer for a new videogame The Force Unleashed 2 which led the way to some general comments on the state of the Star Wars franchise. Before opening up the floor to voicemails we debate the use of...voicemails. With respect to the varying opinions on the use of audio feedback we propose a balanced approach and then get into some great comments sent in to the show this week, demonstrating the strength of having listener contributions. Oh, and we talk about the new Predators and Inception trailers too. We always welcome your comments: horroretc@gmail.com / voicemail (206) 337-5324 WWW.HORRORETC.COM