EPISODE 169 - 2010 in Review

Horroretc Podcast show

Summary: Ahhh, the year that was. We may be fashionably late to the year in review but we do bring to the table our thoughts on 2010 nonetheless. After some initial meandering we get to a recap of the notable box office offerings where the passage of time allowed for the revisiting of many titles covered in the podcast during the year. What has held up and which films have begun to tarnish already are discussed. As our disclaimer states, we are not presuming to be definitive in any way nor do we attempt to list our faves...just an excuse to look back in hindsight to see what ended up being worthy of our anticipation (ahem, Wolfman - we're looking at you). In addition to some highlighted titles, we spend some time with a few recent 2010 watches from the past week: Monsters (a low budget UK alien invasion film that focuses on the journey of characters observing the face of their new world), Skyline (a bigish budget alien invasion film that offers no engaging characters at all), Buried (the Ryan Reynolds buried alive concept film that offers up some true horror - psychological torture), Black Swan (Darren Aronofsky's cinematic assault on Natalie Portman - yes, it's about ballet...yes, it's good), and A Serbian Film. Ok, word of warning to all listeners. If you have heard about A Serbian Film, be prepared to hear all the grisly details. If you haven't heard of this film before - be prepared for some harsh (!) descriptions. Either way, the film is openly spoiled up through the, ahem, climax. If you wish to avoid spoilers, the segment is 15 minutes to be forwarded. Finally, we wrap up the show with a sneak peek of some selected 2011 titles to look forward to. Many thanks to everyone who has listened and been a friend to the show, we are being truly sincere when we say you are the reason we are here. As always welcome your comments: horroretc@gmail.com / voicemail (206) 337-5324 WWW.HORRORETC.COM