Andrew: Life Change

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary:  “I knew I needed to go somewhere, anywhere but where I was.” That’s what Derrik told me as the two of us chatted after church service. Derrik had been sucked into a black hole of drug use. He had come to the place where he didn’t feel safe with his thoughts. He, like I had years earlier, walked down a dark, dark path. He felt trapped, alone, and afraid. But somewhere in the depths of Derrik, he knew he needed God. I was honored to pray with him and elated when he found freedom, forgiveness and new life in Jesus. You don’t have to be a Derrik or an Andrew to experience radical change in your life. Derrik and I shared a common back-story but it might not be yours. You don’t have to be a violent criminal or stereotyped prodigal son for Jesus to rescue you. The Bible says we all “like sheep have gone astray.” All of us are broken and in need of a Savior. The good news is, Jesus is available to each of us. He is waiting for each of us to cry out to Him. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had a rough past or have done a good job looking put-together. Everyone needs Jesus and He’s made Himself available to all. I recommend Him to you. If you’d like to give your life to Jesus Christ, right now, I have friends who would love to pray with you. Call 1-888-NEED-HIM and pray with someone this very hour.