KnitWit 62: Sheep Shearing

Rantings of a Rabid Knitter show

Summary: Very late thank you to my yarn swap person.  She sent me two ply wool blend and stitch markers. I think we should all wear big fucking flowers if we go to Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.  What do you think are you willing to help me start a new fashion trend? Todays story. Sheep got sheared.  I got a new toy.  I had to interview the sheep shearer. Just had to. You know. Scott Bowdridge is a Ph.D. student at Virginia Tech.  He has been shearing sheep for many years and shares a tale with us.  If you need some sheep sheared, give him a try. Sheep are getting reacquainted. I would love to know what you think about the show. website: email: Thanks.  Carry