Bar Stool Discussion LIVE – 040

Gun Rights Radio Network show

Summary: No Compromise! Streamed Live! 4/4/12: On Doc’s 47th birthday, Paul Velone, of Grass Roots North Carolina knocks aside the GRRN bar doors to celebrate the elimination of his state’s ban on carrying firearms during a state of emergency. Paul is a guerilla fighter for gun rights with a No Compromise attitude: an aggressive, winning tactic. Then – it gets a bit odd: with the latest Glock follies and an improvised silencer made from an oil filter. Matt of American Specialty Ammo swears it’s the quietest 22LR silencer available. Remember: it ain’t stupid if it works. The chatroom overflows with April Fools jokes including the Glock G1911 and a tactical kilt. In the after-show, Doc entertains with his “Tales From The Prostrate”, featuring a doctor’s sausage fingers, a missing class ring, a pretty nurse with questions about Doc’s sexual proclivities, a little prick, and a hot nurse named Bob? It was hard to tell over all the laughter. However, descending the Grand Staircase in her antebellum finery, Gail trips over a bit of shattered technology, and doesn’t call in. Don’t you make that mistake! The Next Really Big Shooow: 18Apr12. CF   Show Links: Mark Vanderberg, Doc Wesson, Grass Roots North Carolina, Paul Velome,, 2nd Amendment Foundation, American Specialty Ammo, Gun Rights Radio Live, GRRN Newsletter, WhiteDogHolsters, Prostatitis, Madison Rising