Post Polio Syndrome & the medical card

RTÉ - Liveline show

Summary: Callers talk about their experiences of Post Polio Syndrome. Eddie contracted polio when he was 3-and-a-half. In 2001 he started to get pains in his lower back and realised it was the start of Post Polio Syndrome. Ann was hospitalised with polio when she was 4 and spent 8 years in hospital making both her Holy Communion and Confirmation there. She says when she left hospital she cried because she felt the nurses and doctors were her family. Antoinette remembers her sister Rosaleen contracting polio when she was 4. Her mother told her that Rosaleen was in an iron lung. Antoinette never saw her sister again as she went into hospital in February and died the following October. The helpline number for the Post Polio Syndrome Group is 01 889 8920 or the website is