‘Give Me Liberty’ Money Bomb - March 23, 2012

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: So, are we throwing in the towel? Is this campaign already a lost cause? As you've probably seen, the media has been gleefully reporting how the Ron Paul 2012 campaign has seen its fundraising abilities slow significantly since Super Tuesday. This, as dedicated activists around the country take over their local GOP, and win the majority of state delegates for Dr. Paul! These county and state conventions will continue into the summer, and we need the Ron Paul activists and voters to stay motivated. So now is the time to dig deep, and replenish the campaign's war chest for the stretch run. If it's important to you that our message continues to be heard around the country, donate his weekend to the Give Me Liberty Money Bomb! The Congressman recorded this message for all of us to hear, as we seek to bring the r3VOLution to Tampa this August! Video compliments of YouTube User: ronpaul.