Ron Paul Weekly Update - March 24th thru March 30th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Coverage of the Ron Paul 2012 campaign has become a bit harder to come by over the last few weeks, as the various media outlets shift their reporters to other news. At least local affiliates continue to report on events when the Congressman comes to town. This, as we start to get a snapshot into the actual delegate counts around the country. Ron Paul has outperformed Gingrich in a majority of states, yet the media still covers the former speaker out of proportion to his electoral success. CNN streams live video from nearly all the other three candidates campaign stops, while providing no coverage of the good doctor's huge rallies. Dr. Paul continues to focus his campaign on college campuses and the hearts and minds of the next generation. Huge crowds turned out this week at the Universities of Maryland and Wisconsin- which the national press has almost completely disregarded. Huge Paul supporters like Scott Horton and Adam Kokesh have started to speak out against campaign manager Jesse Benton, and the way the well-funded operation has ultimately been run (I feel this criticism is definitely justified). Speculation has turned to the unlikely announcement of a 3rd party or independent run. One thing is for certain: if this campaign is to remain relevant, the grassroots needs a shot of adrenaline, the campaign needs to shake things up and think outside the box! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Coverage of RP's Pineville, LA campaign stop at Louisiana College from Wildcats Media reporter Kalee Christian. Video by YouTube User: lcwildcatsmedia. (3/24) (12:10) One Question To Ron Paul at Burbank, CA Luncheon, plus insightful commentary. Video compliments of YouTube User: TruthNeverTold. (3/20) (18:44) Robert Scott Bell talks about the Raleigh Rally for Ron Paul, updates listeners on the campaign and more! (3/26) (30:27) Where is Ron Paul? Monday’s Campaign Trail Mix by Felicia Sonmez of The Washington Post. (3/26) (32:24) The Deal with Jack Hunter: "The next socialist president" - Video available at The Daily Caller. (3/26) (36:24) Tom Mullen joins The Robert Scott Bell Show to talk about the progress of RP2012 delegate strategy. (3/27) (51:31) Ben Swann on 55 KRC: Caucus Leaders In Washington State Blocked Ron Paul. Video by YouTube User: libertywriters. (3/27) (59:40) True Updated Delegate Count - Ron Paul RISING!Video compliments of YouTube User: matlarson10. (3/27) (1:02:58) New Reason-Rupe Poll: Independent Run by Ron Paul Would Pull 17 percent of Presidential Vote. Video by YouTube User: ReasonTV. (3/28) (1:07:29) Santorum Delegate Count a Lie?! Paul Gaining States?! Ben Swann talks with Josh Tolley. Video by YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyShow. (3/29) (1:27:40) Infowars Nightly News - Ron Paul Suspects Supreme Court Will Rule Monstrosity Obamacare Constitutional. Video by YouTube User: Usamovieful. (3:28) (1:30:21) Ron Paul is not giving up, neither are his supporters! Paul Supporter Mary Wilson with RTAmerica's Liz Wahl. (3/29) (1:36:56) Ron Paul First GOP Candidate With Ballot Access In All 50 States! Video compliments of YouTube User: matlarson10. (3/29) (1:39:29) Reason Mag's Nick Gillespie talks Ron Paul, 2012 GOP nomination on The Jerry Doyle Show. Video by YouTube User: mike1988123. (3/29) (1:54:45) WBAL-TV (NBC - Baltimore, MD) Reports: Ron Paul Brings Maryland Even More GOP Attention. (3/29) (1:56:35) Ron Paul Vows To Stay In Race - Report on UMD speech by WBAL Radio 1090 AM. (3/29) Sean Walter of Rockville was the first in line to get to the event. Judy Seig, a high school government teacher from Salisbury, brought a group of students to this rally. Texas Congressman Ron Paul speaks to WBAL's Robert Lang, before his speech in College Park. Video by YouTube User: wbalam. (2:02:06) Ron Paul Press Exclusive at the University of Maryla