Youth for Ron Paul Rally at U. of California - Berkeley (4/5/2012)

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Ron Paul attracted a peculiar 8,500-plus voters to the third of three town hall meetings he held in California this week, this time at UC-Berkeley.  In drawing such a huge crowd to Berkeley, the 12-term Congressman from Texas shattered his unrivaled town hall meeting attendance record. The meeting took place at UC-Berkeley’s Memorial Glade, where he addressed the crowd from atop the steps of Doe Library in Berkeley, CA. Dr. Paul spoke about his platform of constitutionally-limited government, the enduring bonds between economic and civil liberties, and his fiscal blueprint that cuts Washington spending, shrinks the national debt, and reverses the federal government’s harmful growth and intrusiveness. Full video of the event posted at UStream, by msl209