GI Show 142: Review Round-Up, Back Cover Blurb Trivia

The Game Informer Show show

Summary: This week we showcase three intriguing new games -- Fire Emblem: Awakening, Skulls of the Shogun, and The Cave. This episode also marks the return of the Back Cover Blurb Trivia Challenge. In the first segment, host Matt Helgeson is joined by Kim Wallace, Matthew Kato, and Matt Miller to talk about a trio of worthwhile new titles, the 3DS strategy RPG masterpiece Fire Emblem: Awakening, the creative new indie strategy games Skulls of the Shogun, and adventure game guru Ron Gilbert's The Cave. Two of these titles (Fire Emblem and Skulls of the Shogun) are among the best games released so far this year, and The Cave, while having some faults, is an engaging adventure that will appeal to fans of Double Fine's oddball sense of humor. The next segment is our recurring game show, Back Cover Blurb Trivia Challenge. Here's the basics: Ben Hanson chooses games from the GI vault and takes a photo of the back cover blurb. Then, he reads them to the contestants (Matt Helgeson, Joe Juba, Dan Ryckert, and Tim Turi), omitting any references to names of characters, the title of the game, or any other details that would give it away. The contestants buzz in to guess the game in questions. This is a controversial episode also, because former winner Ben Reeves is now under the cloud of serious allegations of CHEATING in his impressive win in BCBTC #2. Shameful. (Please visit the site to view this media)