G2B Ep. 40: Tore Up From The Floor Up Live From John's Dock!

Guys Games and Beer show

Summary: Things never go well when the Guys do a "live" episode. Trying to do a podcast at a remote location is a daunting task.. especially when you are going on your third shot of Jamison. So it's no surprise that the first topic of this show along with the intro are lost to the green globby hands of the podcast goblins. Don't let it stand in your way of listening in though because there is still well over an hour of the gutter geeks yakking away about their collection arcade machines, the future of mobile gaming,and the best of the 2D shooters. Grab a drink with the guys and gals from G2B: Guaranteed to suck WAY less than episode 39!.  Don't see the podcast player? You can install it HERE or you can listen ON THE INTERNET ARCHIVE instead!