JDB 008: No More Gavels! No More Scales of Justice! Website Design for Lawyers with Cynthia LaLuna

JDBlogger  |  Legal Marketing  |  Blogging  |  Podcasting  | Social Media for Lawyers and Attorney Entrepreneurs - John Skiba show

Summary: Nothing says "law firm website" like a gavel or good ol' Lady Justice and her scales of justice!  In today's podcast episode we explore the topic of website design and how it can have a direct impact on your bottom line. My guest is Cynthia LaLuna, the Creative Director at Rowboat Media, a website design company that has a strong focus on building legal websites. We specifically discuss what factors you should consider when building a new website, what elements should be included in every legal website, and why you should strongly consider a mobile responsive website. Your law firm website is your platform from which you can spread your message and inform clients and potential clients alike.  Not only that, but your website is likely the first thing potential clients will see when they look into hiring you. Often, this is where the first impression is made - and you aren't even there.  Having a good website is a must in today's world. In this episode of the JDBlogger Podcast Cynthia walks us through the steps you can take to make sure your website portrays the image and message you want and converts visitors into clients! Tools of the Trade Today's Tool of the Trade is Pretty Link.  Pretty Link is a link cloaking and redirection service.  It allows you to take any link and turn it into a clickable custom link.  This is a great tool for podcasters and those who want to include links on written marketing materials to particular pages on their website . Pretty Link is a Wordpress plugin and there is a free version.  You an also upgrade to their pro version for $37. A big thanks to all those who have 'liked" my Facebook Fan Page and those have left a big 5 star rating through iTunes! Click Here to Subscribe to the JDBlogger Podcast and Leave a 5 Star Review!