Fat 2 Fit Show #6 – You Are What You Eat

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: This really was the food show. Last week we talked about the macronutrients of foods and this week we focused on what to actually eat. We found a great website that has a huge list of food choices grouped into 5 tiers. If you really want to know what to eat, choose your foods from the top three tiers. If you want to have the perfect diet, choose from the top two. We also talked about the absolute best and worst foods to eat and gave our list of our top 7 nutritional strategies. We moved on to discussing a comment from our blog that asked about our opinions on the over-the-counter weight loss drug Alii and it's side effects. We link to an article where 60 people have commented on their side effects. "Anal Leakage" was a common term that people brought up... Russ' news articles dealt with the Great American Smoke-Out and the five best foods to have in your diet. Jeff's news stories dealt with a success story of a woman who lost 124 lbs in 17 months through diet, exercise and hard work, and a study that dealt with diet versus exercise for fat loss. Links mentioned in this show: The Five Tiers of Foods (Link is fixed) Alii side effects from "real" people Woman's story who lost 124 lbs in 17 months It is the calorie deficit that matters The Great American Smoke out Is Your Protein Intake Both Safe and Effective? 5 foods that should have a place in your diet Top 7 Nutritional Tips Recipe of the Week: Healthier version of the classic Green Bean Casserole Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.