Fat 2 Fit Show #13 – New Years Resolutions & Goal Setting

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: This may be the most important show of the entire year. Everyone sets New Years Resolutions and almost everyone gives up within the first few months. We cover the strategies that you need to make all of your New Years Goals a reality. Just to prove how powerful goal setting can be, we talk about a 20 year study that tracked Yale University Grads. When the graduating class was interviewed and asked if they had clearly written goals along with a plan to achieve them, only 3% did. After 20 years, those 3% were worth more financially that all of the other 97% combined! There is power in setting powerful goals and having a plan of action to accomplish them. There is now an easier way to get to the Fat2Fit Radio Support Group on Traineo. We now have a simpler address that will take you there. Just go to www.fat2fitsupport.com and that will take you to http://fat2fit.groups.traineo.com. The community is growing fast and is becoming quite active with new members joining every day. Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.