Fat 2 Fit Show #34 – Circuit Training

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: We always talk about how everyone needs to do cardio as well as resistance training. Wouldn't it be great if you could do both at the same time? Your gym might already have a circuit training section ready for you to use. This week we define what circuit training is, the advantages and disadvantages and a few tips for getting the most out of this type of workout. In this week's Web report, Jeff discusses an article about how the LAPD is becoming fatter and starting to look like the average American. They've even hired a dietician to try and help their officers battle the bulge. Russ has an article about portion sizes 20 years ago versus now. Can you guess which portion sizes are larger? In the e-mail and comments section this week listener Chris weighs in on being a positive role model to children and Paxye comments about overweight children. Links Mentioned in the Show: Step Away from the Carbs Portion Sizes Now and Then Circuit Training Exercises Recipe of the Week: Send in your favorite recipes. Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.