Fat 2 Fit Show #40 – Let’s lose 100 lbs and go running!

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: In today's show, we profile the success story of John Sanderson. John has been a listener of the show since the start and has been active in the Fat2Fit Support forums as well. In two and a half years, he went from an out-of shape 300 lb guy watching life pass him by, to a successful half-marathoner. He relates his struggles and successes along the way, and provides a some very good insights into the challenges of going through a major physical transformation. His journey was not a quick-fix solution, but was a true lifestyle change. His story is truly inspirational. On the lighter side, Fat2Fit Radio received a positive review in Britain's "The Guardian" Newspaper. It was a short review and had a few factual errors, but it is great to see that we are starting to show up on the international radar. The review was written by Elizabeth Mahoney and she said that “you can rest easy that our hosts know what they’re talking about”, and that our “intense gaze at the world through weight-tinted specs goes down well with listeners.” However, the absolute best line in the entire piece was “Co-host Russ Turley… sounds endearingly like one of The Muppets”!!!! Which Muppet she was referring to is not exactly clear… Links mentioned in the show: Britain's Guardian newspaper review of Fat2Fit Radio Who does Russ sound like? The John Sanderson Story Recipe of the week: List of sandwiches with nutritional content Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.