Fat 2 Fit Show #44 – Calories In/Calories Out

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: In this show, we do a quick review of the actual amount of calories that you need to be eating to maintain or lose weight.  To figure that out, you need to know your Basal Metabolic Rate and then increase those calories by an Activity Factor.  It isn't too complicated, but most people have no real idea of how many calories their bodies burn on a daily basis. After the calorie review, we tackle 3 e-mail questions that ask about fine tuning those calorie calculations.  Megan asks about whether your body can adapt to eating a few hundred calories more per day, Eleanora asks a technical question about Gross Calories vs Net Calories, and Jessica asks about whether you really burn the same number of calories if you run or walk the same distance. In the web report, Russ found an article on a new alternative procedure to gastric bypass.  A device is inserted down the esophagus and into the stomach where a smaller stomach pouch is created.   No incision.  Jeff talks about the Mediterranean diet.  Residents of this part of the world, usually thought of as being thin, are getting on the fat bandwagon.  Is it the proliferation of cheap calorie dense foods wrapped in plastic?  Give us your opinion in the comment section below. Links Mentioned in the Show: How Many Calories do you actually burn each day? Gross Calories Vs Net Calories Running or Walking - Which burns more calories? The 100 Calorie Food Quiz 5 Gym mistakes that keep you from losing weight Another less invasive surgical weight loss procedure Recipe of the Week: Low Fat Asian Crockpot Chicken Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.