Fat 2 Fit Show #47 – Heart Attack Grill

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: How does a nice big juicy hamburger sound right now?  How about a double? Triple? Could you eat a quadruple burger right now?  That burger has a name; it's called a Quadruple Bypass and it's served by the focus of this week's show.  The Heart Attack Grill is a restaurant that dares you to eat horribly by serving gigantic burger patties each weighing in at 1/2 pound along side fries that are cooked in pure lard.  Add to that the option of having a caffeine rich Jolt cola to wash it all down.  It's a heart attack waiting to happen.  And if the food doesn't do it to you, all the waitresses wear sexy nurse outfits. In the e-mail section this week, we field a question from John Sanderson about calories.  We also discuss clothing to wear during running and walking in response to Trevor's question on the Fat 2 Fit Support forum. Finally we give Jim Borman some advice on delicious snack foods that aren't popcorn or celery sticks. The Web Report consists of an inspirational article that Jeff found about a guy that lost 265 lbs. over 2 years and is keeping it off.  Russ finds a list of the 11 worst foods that you should avoid. Don’t forget that you can subscribe to the show for free by e-mail or by RSS.  Check out the Subscribe page for more information or just check out the upper right-hand side of the web site. Homework: Halloween has just passed.  Everybody probably had a few extra treats, so it is now time to hide them out of sight so that they won't tempt you or actually throw them out so that you don't end up eating them all.  Once you have done that, this weeks homework is to replace those temptations with healthy ones. The goal here is to have 2 or 3 healthy alternatives for those emergencies when you are hungry or even for time like when you are watching a movie and just looking for something to snack on.  Having a snack once and while doesn't have to destroy your calorie goals for the day if you plan a bit ahead. Links Mentioned in the Show: 11 Worst foods to avoid Man sheds 265 pounds Heart Attack Grill Recipe of the Week Egg McMuffin from McDonald's Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.