Fat 2 Fit Show #48 – Season 2 Finale: Listener Profiles

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: Back in December 2007, Jeff made a post asking listeners and members of the Fat 2 Fit Radio group on Traineo to  introduce themselves  to the group.  This show, the finale for Season 2, is the result. Instead of a regular show, we spotlight members of the group.  There are some amazing stories that you have to hear.  They share their weight loss goals, their health problems and more importantly some share some inspirational weight loss success stories.  To give you a taste of what this episode is about, here's the forum entry for Paula Russell: Hi there, I'm Paula and live in Brisbane on the east coast of Oz. This is my first post and this is my journey so far... About 2 years ago, 270lbs, extremely depressed and getting pretty sick I was pushed by a friend to sort myself out. I took the brave decision to get a personal trainer and I have never looked back...well, occasionally! Ive now lost nearly 70lbs but I've been stuck here on an extended plateau for quite a while now, hence I reaching out here for a bit of moral support. Food is a constant battle for me. I am an absolute gym junkie. Currently I go to boot camp 3 mornings a week, have PT twice, go to yoga and love to road run (I know it sounds extreme but I love it and it has completely changed my life). Once I am down to my goal health (I don't say goal weight as I am more concerned with fitness and size). I just don't understand why, when I work so hard with exercise I just cant get a grip on my eating?! I know what to eat and how often etc. but its almost like I go off into a different world sometimes. I want to do this so badly...this is why I am here. On a happier note, I absolutely love F2F radio and it is a true inspiration to me...thanks guys, never stop as the amount you are helping to change peoples lives is immeasurable. I've just bought myself a Garmin forerunner watch after hearing it mentioned on the podcast and am really excited about that. Looking forward to being part of this community. Paula xxx Isn't that amazing?   My favorite part of Paula's post is the part about "goal health".  Everyone on the forums is in a similar place in their weight loss as you.  Some are starting, some have reached their goal, but it's a safe place to share and ask questions no matter where your are on your weight loss journey.  Head on over to Fat2Fit Support.com and join today.  There are almost 300 members and the number of members and great information each member contributes keeps growing every day. As this is the Season Finale, we're going to be taking a couple weeks off to do some retooling of the show.  Look for some subtle changes in the next show and here on the website. Don’t forget that you can subscribe to the show for free by e-mail or by RSS.  Check out the Subscribe page for more information or just check out the upper right-hand side of the web site.