Fat 2 Fit Show #51 – The Most Important Show of the Year

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: Are you making another New Year's Resolution for 2009?  Could it be you're resolving to lose weight?  If you're one of approximately 90% of Americans making some sort of resolution, then you've come to the right place.  We called this show The Most Important Show of the Year because making goals and resolutions without the proper information will leave you with forgotten resolutions and growing waistlines. This is a stripped down show with no Web Report, recipe of the week or homework.  This show just focuses on goal setting.  We discuss how to set achievable goals, how to follow through with techniques that will make those goals realities. If you're making a New Years Resolution, be sure to head over to the Fat 2 Fit Support site over at Traineo and let everyone know what it is.  A resolution that no ones knows about, never really happened. Links Mentioned in the Show: How To Set Your Last Weight Loss Goal - Ever! Fat 2 Fit Show #13 - New Years Resolutions & Goal Setting Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.