Fat 2 Fit Show #54 – Defending Your Food

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: The book, In Defense of Food, has been on the New York Time's bestseller list for quite a while.  Jeff has heard quite a lot of good things about it, so over the last few weeks he gave it a thorough read.  Its not really a diet book, its a book that really describes how our society has really messed up everything about food and how to fix it for the average person. Michael Pollen doesn't claim to be an expert, he just wrote this manifesto based on research and what he calls "authority of tradition and common sense".  It's a fairly readable book and it turned out to have a ton of great lines through-out it that really resonated with Jeff. In the e-mail and comments section, Gillian wrote in about your friend and mine, Oprah Winfrey.  She was wondering how Oprah is going to lose weight this time.  In the past she's tried everything under the sun.  We found a clip from the Oprah.com site that explains what Oprah is doing to lose the weight this time.  Just a hint, we were pleasantly surprised.  We also answer an e-mail from listener Kalissa about the unreal weight loss happening on the tv show, The Biggest Loser.  Also, we field an e-mail from AJ who wants to know if running 1000 miles in a year is too much. And finally, two articles on The Web Report.  One calls out the 6 worst diet fads of the year and the other is a list of 5 tips to keep office snacking from derailing your weight loss. Links Mentioned in the Show: Oprah's new diet and exercise plan (video) The Biggest Loser's Nutritionist talks The 6 Worst Diet Fads of the Year Recipe of the Week: Sun Dried Basil Tomato Couscous Extra Recipes: Healthy Superbowl Recipes Homework: Take an inventory of the foods in your kitchen to see how much real food you are eating and how much is just food-like products. Look for the following: any product that has any health claims, lists any ingredients that you can't pronounce or identify, or lists more than 5 ingredients.  What percentage of foods that you eat through-out the day are not really food, but processed food-like substances? Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.