Fat 2 Fit #63 – Navy Fitness

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: This week for our feature section, Jeff found a weight loss/fitness program that is published by the US Navy. It's a no nonsense approach to getting and staying in shape. What were you expecting from the military, shakes, bars and pills to get in shape? In the e-mail and comments portion of the show, we have two listener profiles.  JP wrote in and he's not our typical listener.  JP is at his goal weight and has never been overweight, but his family is.  He recognized that prevention is the best medicine when it comes to weight.  David, on the other hand, did gain a lot of weight and has spent the last 3 years losing 100 lbs.  He chronicled his weight loss journey on his blog. The Web Report brings us two articles.  Jeff found one about women and their body image.  It's a top 10 list of disturbing facts about body image.  Russ shares an article about a study that basically found that ALL weight loss drugs are useless and that eating less and exercising more is the key to losing the fat.  Shocker! Links Mentioned in the Show: Navy Fitness Program Weight loss drugs are useless Women and body image David's blog 200 by 40 Recipe of the Week: Deep Dish Pizza Protein Quiche Homework: In my phys ed classes, when I lead my students through a good warm-up they are much more energetic and limber. How many people actually feel energetic and limber through-out the day in their regular lives? The homework for this week is to do a warm-up for your life first thing in the morning. Start incorporating some basic warm-up moves first thing in the morning to help wake yourself up and help to limber up your body. If you are up for a challenge, try doing 10-15 of the exercises that we talked about from the Navy Fitness program every morning for a week and see how you feel. I guarantee that your body will start to feel more alive, especially in the mornings. Here is a link to those exercises. Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.