Fat 2 Fit #64 – Eating Healthy on a Budget

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: The average cost of food in the world has drastically gone up in the last year. To make matters worse, the economy is struggling and more and more people are losing jobs or just seeing a slowdown in their business. How do you manage not to succumb to the temptation of cheap, unhealthy processed foods when money is tight? Today we are discussing how to eat healthy on a budget. We give our top 10 list of things that you can do so that you can continue to eat healthy and nutritious foods without going broke. We cover 3 emails in this week's feedback section. The first email came from Scott and dealt with how to fix his metabolism, how many calories should he be eating, a plan to lose 100 lbs in 6-8 months, and the term "metabolic reset". The second email from Rachel asked about whether she should continue to eat a snack even if she wasn't hungry. Should you only eat when you are hungry when trying to lose weight? Our final email was in response to a show where Russ mentioned his problems dealing with plantar fasciitis. This listener gave us some suggestions of how to deal with it. The Web Report brings us four articles. Jeff warned everyone about the popular weight loss product Hydroxycut. Not only does it not do what it claims, but it has now been shown to seriously harm or kill you! It has now been pulled from shelves. His second article dealt with the admission from Kirstie Alley that she gained back all of the weight that she had lost on Jenny Craig and then some. She was able to keep her weight off for the 3 years that Jenny Craig paid her to be their spokesperson, but as soon as she went back to her "regular life" and lifestyle, it all came back. In Russ' first article, he talks about a man who lost 146 lbs through a walking program. The bottom line for exercise and weight loss, is that exercise doesn't need to be very intense to burn those extra calories. His last article mentions an iPhone and iPod Touch application that will calculate your BMR and tell you how many calories you need to be eating. Fat2Fit Radio has a free tool here that will also calculate this for you. Links Mentioned in the Show: ZCoil Shoes Stop using Hydroxycut products, FDA says Kirstie Alley: 'Yes, I Gained 83 Pounds' Man loses 146 pounds walking BMR Calc iPhone App Some budget tips from F2F Radio Fat 2 Fit Radio BMR Calculator Recipe of the Week: Spiced Banana Orange Smoothie Homework: According to Gallup, because of the economy less people are eating out as often, but 2009 stats show that 60% of Americans eat out once a week, 42% eat out twice a week and 18% eat out 3 or more times per week. The challenge is to cut back how much you eat out by at least a half. There is always going to be special occasions where you will need to eat out, but the benefits of preparing your own meals health-wise and financially far outweigh the convenience. Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.