Fat 2 Fit #65 – Advanced Weight Loss Techniques

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: Today we are covering advanced weight loss techniques that really work, not the crap that you read everyday in magazines, but safe and effective strategies that can give you a boost in your fat loss without sacrificing muscle or your metabolism. The ultimate goal of a diet is to lose fat, not to lose just "weight". These techniques are designed to do just that. They take a little more work and attention to detail, but you will get out what you put in. The advanced techniques come from the world of bodybuilding. A bodybuilder is not just a huge muscle-bound person. When they are competing, their goal is to get as lean and fat-free as they can so that their muscles can be clearly seen. Their goal is to lose fat without losing a single ounce of muscle or lean body tissue which is exactly what a reasonable diet goal should be. In our e-mail and comment section, Jennifer talks about a new website that she created called "This is Why You're Thin". (http://www.thisiswhyyourethin.blogspot.com) It is opposite of "This is Why You're Fat" which we have talked about previously on the show. The website is a visual celebration of what thinner and healthy people do and eat as part of their healthy lifestyles. We suggest that you check out her website and submit a picture or two yourself. We also respond to an e-mail from Shellee about the HCG diet. In this diet people receive daily injections of a hormone called Human Choriogonadotropin which is harvested from the urine of pregnant women. Is it an effective diet and more importantly is it safe? In the Web Report, Jeff takes on the Diet Industry. Is the goal of the Diet Industry to help you lose permanent weight? No, the goal is to make money and they are not upset when people end up being return customers over and over again. His article deals with weight loss secrets that the diet industry won't tell you about or at least downplay. Russ has an article that lists 5 unusual weight loss tips that most people have never hear of. Links Mentioned in the Show: This is Why You're Thin HCG Diet Studies Show Results Equal to Placebo Kimkins Diet - just another starvation diet Diet Secrets the Weight Loss Industry Doesn't Want you to Know Weight Loss Tips You Have Never Heard Before Fat 2 Fit Radio BMR Calculator Recipe of the Week: Basic Black Beans Homework: The homework this week is very simple. Take a look at the website we talked about earlier called "This is Why You're Thin" (http://www.thisiswhyyourethin.blogspot.com) and check out all of the pictures of healthy meals, activites and people there. If you want to do something positive for other as well, submit a photo to the site yourself to celebrate something that you do that is healthy and could be inspiring to others. Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.