Nonprofit Spark – Free non-profit help on Google Grants, SEO and social media advice – 11/28/11

Nonprofit Spark - Renee McGivern show

Summary: Non-profit marketing and communications goes well beyond writing web content and sending e-newsletters. You also need to explore online marketing tools like Facebook, Twitter, blogs and more: non-profit social media. And don't forget search engine optimization (SEO) to help potential non-profit volunteers, donors and advocates find you on the Web. How about turning to a free non-profit resource for help? On this show, I interview Eric Facas of Media Cause (, a new non-profit that has enlisted more than 600 volunteers to offer non-profit advice about $10,000 Google Grants, SEO, and social media. Media Cause's non-profit assistance is quick and free. It's easy to post a project challenge on the Media Cause website. You can even ask a Media Cause consultant to explain what all of this is about so you can talk intelligently to your boss or non-proft board about it. Media Cause provides terrific non-profit help.