Getting Healthy

Dr. Will's Neighborhood show

Summary: {jwplayer}{/jwplayer} Getting Healthy … For most of my life I have had the luxury of ignoring my overall health. Through no credit to me I am blessed with a system that does not often succumb to sickness, have very few colds or flu and feel good most of the time. That is, of course until August 24, 2009. On that day, without any family history, symptoms or warning I crashed with sudden cardiac death - affectionately known as the “widow maker.” I had a 100% blockage in my descending artery and was out and dying. Mercifully it happened at my office which is two doors down from the fire house. I was one of those lucky souls who was defibrillated within that limited window of a few minutes and was saved. I “coded” twice in the ambulance and thanks to the heroic efforts of the West Lafayette Fire Department and medical staff at St. Elizabeth Hospital emergency room I survived and recovered. Since then I have been a late comer paying attention to my overall health, including diet, exercise, weight and overall health habits. Today Sally and I talk about the experience we have had getting serious about our well being over this past year.