Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Did you know your life in Christ has tremendous and astonishing possibilities? In Psalm 23 it says, “You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” When we are following and trusting Christ the cup runs over. It’s a life that’s meant to be filled with Christ himself, filled with the Holy Spirit. The enemy throws many things our way to try to knock this cup over. Through trials, illness and financial crisis’ it may seem like a life in Christ is too difficult. Yet when we read the word of God we are reminded of His promise. Through the story of Jesus’ disciples we are encouraged. For His disciples endured hardships too. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through the reading of His word, the holy Bible. This week let’s reflect on what is in the word of God and the promises of a life that’s full through Jesus Christ. Reject any lies of Satan, the enemy who tries to keep us from those promises. Then let’s share the wonderful promise of an overflowing life in Christ with the people around us, the people in your world.