Episode 22: Duke Nidget Forever

STAShow 2.0 show

Summary: In this episode… We were able to get back to our evil ways this week. Everyone was here, it was the right day, and it was the right time. Jeff wasn’t feeling all that great, but he stuck it out. The show was pretty typical for us, and we tried to do our first ever live stream of a game after the show. Look for our first impressions of Duke Nukem Forever’s demo (hopefully) on YouTube. This week, we talk about: We’re bad at this Cris FINALLY started playing L.A. Noire Hunted: The Demon’s Forge PSN Store is back The PSN Welcome Back program StanTheHokeiFan again Hos ‘n’ Chos getting some looks Adam hates Jeff A call from Remy Our top Google keywords Porn Duke Nukem Forever No invite to E3?!?! Games we’re excited about We almost forgot to come back from break Adam explains the NBA luxury tax Shaq retired Cris may or may not be a racist Food talk kinda derails… Foosackly’s Cris’s best attempt at a story Nidgets Stitcher Intro Anamanaguchi – Scott Pilgrim Anthem Break Tool – Parabola The Color Fred – The Tragedy Outro Fall Out Boy – (Coffee is for Closers)