Interview with Don Michael Ruiz

The Tazz and Paula Show show

Summary: Our guest this week is Don Miguel Ruiz, author of books that have enlightened the minds of readers worldwide. His first and perhaps best known is titled ‘The Four Agreements’, which lists a few deceptively simple ways in which we can begin to alter our response to the events and interactions in our lives. In this beautiful book, Don Miguel begins with the suggestion that we be impeccable with the word, to be aware of the way we use symbols to create suffering in our lives. He also advises that we not take things personally. Taking things personally seems like an inescapable human response until we consider the possibility that everyone is interpreting life in his own way. Reality is different and unique to each of us. Don Miguel encourages us to listen, to ask questions and to communicate clearly as an antidote to misinterpretation in every relationship and interaction. One hour with Don Miguel is not enough time to cover even one of his books! So we have decided to concentrate of one of the Agreements from his book "The Four Agreements" The Agreement we will be covering in this interview will be the third agreement "Don't Make Assumptions."