WNL _1-8-13 Season Premiere with John Morrison now archived


Summary: <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wnl-_1-8-13-season-premiere-with-john-morrison-now-archived/john_12152011_snaps_0571/" rel="attachment wp-att-21229">  </a><a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wnl-_1-8-13-season-premiere-with-john-morrison-now-archived/wnl-27/" rel="attachment wp-att-21235"></a><br> WNL returned to the airwaves on 1-8-13 to kick off the 2013 Season on the SNS Radio Network (www.snsradionetwork.com) with “The Bronx-Father” Tony J.Mirabella, Special guest host Mark “The Shark”DiCarlo, and “Mr. Money on the Mic”JJ $exay.<br> The boys kicked the show off with a bang as former WWE Superstar “The Prince of Parkour”, “The Shaman of Sexy” John Morrison joined the program @ the 8 min mark and announced that he would be appearing in Canada Febuary 22, 23, and 24th on behalf of Hart Legacy Wrestling and be a part of their iPPV from the World Famous Stampede Pavillion. John talked about several topics in the near 50 min interview including the diffrence between working a WWE style match and the freedom of working the independents, Former Tough Enough winner Matt Capotelli and how hes doing today, Some of his favorite matches in the WWE and his favorite opponents, A new fitness project called “Out of your mind Fitness” that he has been working on, the diffrences between working RAW and Smackdown and which brand he liked better, That infamous weekend in 2007 when he got the oppurtunity to become ECW Champion , his projects outside of wrestling,the possibility of working in TNA wrestling, looking forward to watching this years Royal Rumble and if a superstar might attempt to show off or show up Morrison’s famous Rumble spot from 2011, and so much more.<br> After the break it was back to bussiness as The Shark stayed for the RAW Recap.JJ talked about a bad couple of days he has had due to a household appliance breaking down and how he used his “Redneck”sensibilities to correct the problem….hillarity ensues. The boys discussed all the happenings from RAW including the Cena/Ziggler opening match…JJ gave his thoughts on what he disliked about the match and how he felt that the WWE misused Big E. Langston. The boys talked about the sick TLC match between Ryback and Punk for the WWE Championship and of course the face to face encounter between Punk and Rock that left the IWC talking.<br> After the final break JJ and Bronx continued on with the “News of the Week”sponsored by Wrestling-Online.com including the latest woes for THQ, The last DLC for WWE13 being released, The latest on The Nature Boy and Sunny is in the news yet again.<br> JJ opened the phone lines taking a few calls from Crelly and Walkie, reading a few emails and Bronx even issued a challenge to JJ on this 3 and a half hour Season Premeire of Wrestling News Live.<br>