The Whole Indy Show 01-25-13 now archived


Summary: NOTE – We want your guys thoughts on this weekend’s Hart Legacy Wrestling show, whether you attended live or watched the iPPV. Send your e-mails to and we’ll give out your thoughts on the show. Alternatively, leave a message on the designated Facebook post which will be up on Saturday or be in the SNS chatroom when the iPPV is on at 10pm EST as the guys will be there!<br> Randy &amp; Ashley are back and, once again, Sandro joins the guys for another weekly slice of Indy Goodness with The Whole Indy Show on the SNS Radio Network. The guys start by talking the news of the week, including a change in taping structures and iPPVs for Ring Of Honor, rumors that Adam Cole &amp; Sami Callihan may be getting WWE tryouts in the next few weeks, Rock’s going to the Superbowl to appear in a commercial and updates to both the National Pro Wrestling Day &amp; Wrestlecon shows happening in February &amp; April respectively.<br> Part 2 sees the second part of the Indy Year In Review as the guys take a look at Chikara’s 2012. They cover all the usual stars and matches of the year but also focus on some of the big stories, including the Gekido’s attempts to target the boss Mike Quackenbush, The Spectral Envoy &amp; Ultramantis Black finally getting some luck coming their way, Wink Vavasseur and his Chikabametrics, Eddie Kingston continuing as he did at the end of 2011 as World Champion and the impressive years for Dasher Hatfield, Mr Touchdown &amp; Archibald Peck, featuring a very informative and entertaining yet confusing clip about Peck’s exploits.<br> The final segement features results from last weekend’s shows at PWX, which saw interesting developments for their first iPPV next month, CZW and an interesting challenge made, and SHINE with the emergence of the Valkyrie before going a little more in depth on the PWG DDT4 2012 show as it was set to be El Generico’s last appearance in the company. They then go over the card for DG-USA’s Friday show in California, featuring John Morrison and hype Hart Legacy Wrestling’s show this weekend, before closing out with a little song not dedicated to Vickie Guerrero.<br> <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-9579"></a><br>