WNL 1-22-13 now archived


Summary:  <br> <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wnl-1-22-13-now-archived/wnl-29/" rel="attachment wp-att-22126"></a><br> WNL returned to the airwaves on the SNS Radio Network (www.snsradionetwork.com) on 1-22-13 with “The Bronx-Father”Tony J. Mirabella and “Mr. <a id="_GPLITA_0" title="Click to Continue &gt; by Coupon Companion" href="http://archive.org/details/WNL_1-22-13#">Money</a> on the Mic”<br> JJ $exay.<br> JJ talked about his week which had been very chaotic and Bronx finally watched The Waterboy which led to a discussion on the movie. The boys switched focus and Bronx started the RAW Recap for the “Go Home”edition going into Sunday’s Royal Rumble PPV.JJ and Bronx discussed the “Beat the Clock”challenge , Rock banned from the Arena, and how buying a ticket allows you to walk down the ramp and interact in the ring, The horrible John Cena promo and the Rumble brawl to end the show.<br> After the break JJ had planned to address a few things….but Mark “The Shark”DiCarlo joined the show and discussed the future of Hart Legacy Wrestling going forward and reason for the iPPV being cancelled. JJ and Shark discussed the HLW Resurrection show from the 18th and the upcoming show on febuary 22 featuring John Morrison, and the stars of New Japan Wrestling Jushin Thunder<br> Liger, The Cobra, Jaddo &amp; Geddo, and Tiger Hattori.<br> After the final break JJ randown the “News of the Week”sponsored by Wrestling-Online.com featuring news on TNA, Linda Hogan and more. JJ opened the phone lines and host of The Elite Force Podcast William “Walkie”Walker called in to address JJ’s earlier comments on Star Trek and Babylon 5 ….unfortunately due to family issues JJ ended the show prematurely on this weeks edition of Wrestling News Live.<br>