TNA Chat Live 01-24-13 Pipebomb Edition now archived


Summary: Ushering in another episode of Impact Wrestling, TNA Chat Live hit the airwaves once again! The BronxFather talked about the Taz heel turn, with him joining Aces and Eights and still continuing to be a part of the broadcast team. Early on, Bronx took a call from longtime listener and TNA fan Terrance, and both talked at length about the current title situation in TNA, especially the TV title, and the fact that it is not defended as often as it should be. After the break, the CEO of the SNS Radio Network, Mr. Money On The Mic JJ $exay called in, and dropped a pipe bomb on Hart Legacy Wrestling, after the company failed to pay its talent. You do not want to miss this segment, as JJ told his faithful listeners exactly what has been going on. After JJ signed off, The BronxFather gave his opinion on the situation before wrapping up what is officially deemed the “Pipe Bomb” edition of TNA Chat Live!<br> <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-9448"></a><br>