"Are Your Prayers Still Not Being Answered?" ft Bro Polite

Know The Ledge Radio show

Summary: Know The Ledge Radio presents "Are Your Prayers Still Not Being Answered?Invoking the right spirit force that will work for you instead of against you through chanting in the right tones” featuring Brother Polite.  Tonite Bro Polite will be returning to the program to present the precursor to his highly anticipated upcoming lecture on May 1st  in Harlem NY, of the same title.  Are you attempting to tap into the realm of spirit but not accessing it because of improper pronunciation and poor tonality?  Do you KNOW the difference between praying & invoking?  Bro Polite will be discussing the science of tones and frequencies as it relates to calling your reality into existence.  Also join us for a POWERFUL 11:11 PM Crystal Bowl Meditation. Do NOT Miss this Super SONIC event!  Powered by www.ocean14corp.com Shop with Bro Polite www.2012res.com