Celebration of the Solstice ft Maa

Know The Ledge Radio show

Summary:     Join KnowTheLedgeRadio as we cordially invite you to a Celebration of the Solstice featuring world renowned Healer Maa.  As the planet prepares itself for a seasonal transition our bodies will also be going through some much needed and necessary changes.  Members of the Animal Kingdom use this time to hibernate to re energize, re strategize and regenerate.  As the "wisest" members of this Kingdom it is highly suggested that we use this time as well to take full advantage of the transitional seasons.  Detoxing & Cleansing is the best approach to ensure optimum health as we move through Winter into the Spring season, when Nature experiences her Rebirth.  Allow Mama Maa to plant the seeds of healing tonight as she charts a simple course back to wellness, for those looking for stability and even for those with open minds who may not know the true nature and/or the "reasons for the seasons."  Tune in tonight and LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!