KTL Radio presents KTL Town Hall Meeting

Know The Ledge Radio show

Summary:     Join us tonite as we conduct a much needed TOWN HALL meeting.  There are many topics that are at the forefront of our consciousneess and many light bearers in our community who deserve to be saluted and hailed for their tireless works to uplift fallen humanity so we thought it would be most appropriate to open the lines and let the family BUILD.  We are expected several special guests to drop by and share their light with us, but most importantly we will be making efforts to extend the opportunity to the callers to be heard.  Too many episodes have ended prematurely without the most vital component of the dissertation being addressed, that being feedback/comments and interaction with the listening audience....so tonite we LISTEN and LEARN to what, YOU, the family have on their minds.  We are honored to be at your service and expect to hear from you. CLASS iS IN SESSION!