KTL presents KT the ARCH DEGREE & AA Rashid

Know The Ledge Radio show

Summary: JOIN KTL RADIO FOR A FRIDAY NITE DOUBLE HEADER....WHAT DOES PROMETHEUS & THE FEAR OF A BLACK ILLUMINATI HAVE IN COMMON??  KT the ARCH DEGREE TELEPORTS YOU THRU LIGHT YEARS OF SPACE AND TIME IN AN IN DEPTH PREVIEW OF HIS UPCOMING VISUAL BREAKDOWN OF PROMETHEUS! KT will open up the portals with a 'Meticulous metaphysical breakdown on this Melanin Masterpiece' and be followed by AA RASHID, the Qabala God who will continue weaving chapters onto his majestic, critically acclaimed FEAR of a BLACK ILLUMINATI series.   The last time we met and lifted the veil of the Black Illuminati the Rocafellas ended up trumpin' the Rothschilds! What lays in wait with the unveiling of this chapter?  CLASS is in SESSION!! Pens & Pads on deck!! This will be a KTL UINVERSE-CITY BLOCKBUSTER!! TUNE IN!