Standing on the Square ft Jose Pimienta Bey & Yazoo Bey

Know The Ledge Radio show

Summary: Join KnowTheLedge Radio for the inaugural episode of our 4th broadcasting season on radio!  Tonight's special episode features renowned scholar/author/historian/educator Jose Pimienta-Bey, ph.D. for the first half. We then welcome back our resident KTL University researcher/Moorish historian Minister Yazoo Bey to hold down the second half of tonight's program.  We will be exploring America's 'checkered' past and unlocking some of the untruths that have many minds in a bind not only in the West but abroad.  How can you BUILD when you have no foundation? What is your connection to the land beneath your feet? The square you are standing on?  We we also be touching on the expanse of the Moorish Empire and its influence on Europe and beyond.  Tonight's episode will be in memoriam of Noble Drew Ali & Prince Uriel Bey.  Mr. Jose Pimienta-Bey, ph.D. is the author of "Othello's Children of the New World" and he is currently a professor at Berea University, specializing in African & African American Studies.  Pads & Pens on deck as we welcome another scholar to KTL University and welcome back one of most profiecent researchers. TUNE IN TONITE, CLASS IS IN SESSION.