XVII. The Star (Symbolism of the Tarot)

Tarot of the iPod show

Summary: Symbolism of the Tarot by P. D. Ouspensky A strange emotion seized me. A fiery trembling ran in waves through all my body. My heart quickened its beating, tumult agitated my mind. I felt that I was surrounded by portentous mysteries. And presently shafts of Light penetrated my being and illuminated many things before in darkness, whose existence even I had never suspected. Veils vanished of which I had been before unaware. Voices spoke to me. And suddenly all my former knowledge took a new and different meaning. I discovered unexpected correlations in things which hitherto I had thought foreign to each other. Objects distant and different from one another appeared near and similar. The facts of the world arranged themselves before my eyes according to a new pattern. In the sky there appeared an enormous star surrounded by seven smaller stars. Their rays intermingled, filling space with immeasurable radiance and splendour. Then I knew I saw that Heaven of which Plotinus speaks:"Where... all things are diaphanous; and nothing is dark and resisting, but everything is apparent to every one internally and throughout. For light everywhere meets with light, since everything contains all things in itself, and again sees all things in another. So that all things are everywhere, and all is all. Each thing likewise is everything. And the splendour there is infinite. For everything there is great, since even that which is small is great. "The sun too, which is there, is all the stars; and again each star is the sun and all the stars. In each however, a different property predominates, but at the same time all things are visible in each. Motion likewise there is pure; for motion is not confounded by a mover different from it. Permanency also suffers no change of its nature, because it is not mingled with the unstable. And the beautiful there is beautiful, because it does not subsist in beauty. Each thing, too, is there established, not as in a foreign land, but the seat of each thing is that which each thing is. .... Nor is the thing itself different from the place in which it subsists. For the subject of it is intellect, and it is itself intellect. ... In this sensible region, therefore, one part is not produced by another, but each part is alone a part. But there each part always proceeds from the whole, and is at the same each time part and the whole. For it appears indeed as a part; but by him whose sight is acute, it will be seen as a whole. Read by Susan Gold Susan Gold holds an M.A. in Creative Writing and is a published poet. She has taught writing and literature courses at the college level and currently teaches advanced high school courses in English and Mythology. She reads at parties and events and especially enjoys teaching tarot workshops in collaboration with Evelyn Pine and Carole Pierce. Susan is also a certified hypnotherapist and is exploring ways to combine her interests in tarot, writing, teaching, and hypnotherapy. Check out her website at www.magicians-table.com and also her blog and podcasts at tarot-table-talk.com. Download or Listen to the Card