HOWB 071 – Interview | Jim Llewellyn Wooden Boat Restorer and Blanchard Sr. Knockabout Owner

Hooked On Wooden Boats Podcast | Celebrating the Art, Craft, History & Tradition of Wooden Vessels Worldwide show

Summary: PODCAST SHOW NOTES Jim grew up in Bellevue, WA and at the age of 9 his parents bought a Blanchard Jr. Knockabout for $250 and spent another $250 to refurbish it.  Jim's dad taught him to sail on that wooden sloop, and at the young age of 13 "turned over the keys" to Jim and let him go out by himself on Lake Washington (wow, what a blast for a 13 year old!).  As Jim became an adult, the Knockabout became his boat.  He and a buddy sailed two Blanchard Knockabout Jr's from Lake Washington all the way to Victoria BC (across the Strait of Juan de Fuca) and back - a bold adventure in an open cockpit sailboat! In 1976 Jim bought his Blanchard Sr. Knockabout (26' LOA) and began refurbishing the boat in the off season and racing the rest of the year.  Jim still owns this beaut (see pics below) and takes great care of her.  Jim also owns a 1966 Century Resorter mahogany ski boat, which he uses about 100 days each year for water skiing. (see HOWB 045 for a related interview on another Century Resorter). Click on green player button above to listen to the podcast interview with Jim and get the whole story. Here's some pics to enjoy (click to enlarge):   Thanks Jim for doing the interview.  Best to you and all your fun boats!   Wooden Boat Hack of the Week - #14 | Clean up and prep now to get most out of your next session! Want to get the most out of your shop time?  Then at the end of each working session, save a little time to prep for your next session: Clean up your work surfaces and throw out your garbage. Put your tools and supplies in their proper place. Put fresh sandpaper on your sanding blocks. Sweep the floors if needed. Make a written note of what you will do First in the next session. Make a quick note of any supplies you are getting low on, so you can replenish soon. By taking time to do this prep, when you come to the shop for your next session you will be all ready to rock and roll - no cleaning, organizing, etc.  Your session will be more productive. WANT TO HELP? PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK! I want to build a community of people from all over the world who want to connect, learn, share stories and photos, and have fun with wooden boats. I would REALLY appreciate you sending me wooden boats pics, stories, or projects you are working on. You can also write comments on this blog, email me at, or call my feedback hotline at 424 261-2360. Click HERE to subscribe to my email news list for the latest and greatest fun stuff and click on one of the buttons below to subscribe to my show. Keep the bright side up and the barnacled side down - Wooden Boat Dan "over and out"! Subscribe to the Hooked On Wooden Boats Podcast here: