#41 - Comic Reviews for 1/23/13

Positively Nerdy show

Summary: Welcome to Positively Nerdy!  Another week brings with it another batch of comic reviews!  We're treated to a double-shot of Avengers this week with Uncanny Avengers #3 as well as Avengers #3.  Also from Marvel, FF #3 keeps surpassing my expectations and throws in more than a few surprises.  The Countdown to the new Star Trek movie has begun with the release of Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness #1, the official prequel to the upcoming, Star Trek Into Darkness feature film.  Chew #31 begins the the second half of the series with the fall-out of Toni's death and resets the status quo.  The Amazon Princess continues to battle gods, old and new, in Wonder Woman #16 and the thoroughly entertaining 'Throne of Atlantis' crossover continues in Justice League #16.  Lots of great comics reading and discussion await, plus the secret of the Top of the Stack will be revealed and I briefly address the JJ Abrams/Episode 7 news.  Enjoy