NOG 04: When Can I Be a Gamer, Daddy?

Nation of Gamers show

Summary: Every year, millions of video games are tragically left on store shelves by parents who think games are only for adults. These sad, abandoned titles are left to rot, forgotten by the society that scorns them. If only parents knew that gaming can be for everyone… Even children! I know it’s shocking, but many kids actually enjoy playing games! Do your part to help end the desperate plight of orphaned video games; buy one for your child today! …If, that is, you feel that would be appropriate. On this week’s show, we tackle an issue near and dear to many parents’ hearts. When is it okay to let your kids start gaming? Spencer is MIA because he’s moving, but Brent, Eric, and Wes tackle the issue with perhaps a few too many jokes about goats. Read this week’s NoG Blog postChat about it on the forums[GAME] Dawn of Discovery[GAME] Plants vs Zombies (iphone/ipod touch)A VERY disturbing TF2 video…: Spy & Pyro