NOG 19: Who Reviews the Reviewers?

Nation of Gamers show

Summary: Frank: Did you notice that the Dead Workers Party has been putting Nation of Gamers out regularly again? Fran: Yeah, that’s great. I guess they finally solved the existential crises that plagued their production schedule. Frank: And how! The newest episode is sort of about Transformers: War for Cybertron, but it’s really about review scores. Fran: I dunno, that doesn’t sound very interesting… Frank: Oh, and they also try to not talk about Starcraft II, and they mostly fail. Fran: Starcraft II? Lame. Frank: What? Are you not into Starcraft? Fran: I don’t really like video games. Frank: Then why are we having this conversation on a video game themed podcast’s show notes? Fran: They promised me punch and pie. Frank: They lied. Fran: Those bastards! I will not rest until they have given me punch and pie, or perished! Frank: Woah. You’re intense. [ARTICLE] Lay Down Your Guns[GAME] Transformers: War for Cybertron[GAME] Castlevania: Harmony of Despair[GAME] Monday Night Combat[GAME] Worms Reloaded[SONG] Her Love for Cooking Mama by Eric Fullerton