Open Metalcast Episode #64: Technical Debt

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: In memory of Aaron Swartz, whom I never met, but without whom this show would not be possible.<br><br> <br> <br> * (01:13) <a href="">Inherent by Decode the Design from Chaos Lanes EP</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (05:48) <a href="">Only Suffering is Free by Anagnorisis from Ghosts of Our Fathers</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (10:35) <a href="">Politicold by Severed Fifth from Liberate</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (22:34) <a href="http://www.jamendo.comalbum/88025/">Free by Ex Animo from Sentience</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (29:11) <a href="">Time for a change by Become Wrath from Crush them</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (35:52) <a href="">IBRIDOMA – Face to Face by UNDERGROUNDZINE from SOUNDS FROM HELL</a> (BY-NC-SA)<br> * (39:10) <a href="">Revolución by Mercyless from Siempre fuertes</a> (BY-NC-ND)<br> * (43:12) <a href="">Liberate You by Derek Jordan from Humanist EP</a> (BY-NC)<br> <br> Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or do whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music. Please do it!<br> Also check out the other great podcasts at <a href="">Metal Injection</a>, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at <a href="">Metalinjection.FM</a>.<br> If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at <a href=""></a>.<br>