Who's The Man

Straight From The E-Block show

Summary: There are so many single parent homes in the black community that the two parent home has somewhat become peculiar.  With that said, there are many young boys who are raised in a single parent home where mom is the head of the household.  While there are plenty of strong black women who are more than capable of raising their own children and yours too at the same time, it is hard for them to truly emplore what it is to be a man.  Well, let me retract. What I mean is they know exactly what it takes to be a man or what a man should be, however they struggle with the way in which to mold an adolecent boy into that man. And hence we have a problem. Sadly to say it is a vicious cycle.  When you have a father, in or outside the home, who had never had a man in his life to learn things about manhood, how hard do you think its going to be for him to successfully raise a young man?  The nature of this cycle is simplistic but complicated at the same time. In its simplest form, a man never learns how to be a man so he has no idea how to teach his son how to be one either.  The complicated side of it is that once the cycle is recognized - what can you do about it? CALL IN THIS TUESDAY AT 8:00PM AND COMMENT ON THE HOT TOPIC : "WHAT CAN BE DONE TO RAISE BETTER MEN IN THE COMMUNITY?" CALL 760.283.4647 OR CLICK http://bit.ly/sNuTnh TO SEE US LIVE ON USTREAM! DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW THER CREW ON TWITTER @RealMonkMoney and @HoodHowardStern