GeekScholars Movie News Awards Part 4, Ben-Hur Remake, Hot Tub Time Machine 2, DePalma Directing Happy Valley, Recasting Terminator 2

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: On this week's episode of the GeekScholars Movie News podcast, the crew announces their final round of the 2012 GeekScholars Movie News Awards, by revealing their winners for: Best Trailer, Funniest Movie, Prettiest Movie, and each of the hosts' Top 5 Films of 2012. Before all that though, the GeekScholars discuss the latest movie headlines making the rounds, including: Bradley Cooper in the pre-World War I crime thriller Dark Invasion, a possible remake of Ben-Hur, Hot Tub Time Machine 2, and Brian DePalma being named the director of the Al Pacino-led biography of Joe Paterno, now being called Happy Valley. Also, it's been far too long since the GeekScholars conducted a Casting Competition Challenge, so to honor Arnold Schwarzenegger's return to the big screen with The Last Stand, listen in to their picks for recasting Terminator 2: Judgement Day. And finally, the crew runs through a whole bunch of Preview Reviews, giving their grading the trailers for: Mud, Spring Breakers, Emperor, and Red 2.